An introduction to farmer-led irrigation

In the last few years, there’s been a growing recognition of the contribution and potential of farmer-led irrigation systems, which appears to exceed the extent of all public and corporate irrigation schemes.

This introductory course on farmer-led irrigation development in Africa allows you to watch the videos and follow the Powerpoint presentations online, but we have also compiled all the material into a PDF that you can download and read offline.

Sections can be completed in order and at your own pace. Please bookmark this page and complete the sections at your leisure.

At the end of the course we provide a list of materials and resources for further information, not just on farmer-led irrigation development but also about broader principles of supporting farmers with irrigation, through the WISE (Water Infrastructure and Sustainable Energy) Futures centre.

Section 1 – Introduction to the course

Section 2 – Changing perspectives on African irrigation

Section 3 – Defining farmer-led irrigation development

Section 4 – Farmer-led irrigation development in Mozambique and Tanzania

Section 5 – Farmer-led irrigation in action

Section 6 – History of irrigation design

Section 7 – Practical interactions between engineers and farmers

Section 8 – Making small-scale irrigation technology work for women

Section 9 – Policy implications

Section 10 – Conclusions and further information

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