Section 3 – Defining farmer-led irrigation development

In this section you’ll learn about:

  • How to define farmer-led irrigation development, and
  • How to identify farmers’ irrigation initiatives.

What is farmer-led irrigation development and how does it differ from other forms of irrigation development?

Put simply, farmer-led irrigation development is an irrigation development process that is initiated by farmers.

We define ‘farmer-led irrigation development’ as a process in which small-scale farmers drive the establishment, improvement and/or expansion of irrigated agriculture, often in interaction with external actors. These external actors’ include: neighbouring farmers, agro-dealers and traders, craftspeople, agriculture extension agents, irrigation engineers, administrative authorities, local and national policy makers, civil society and development aid agents.

Farmer-led irrigation development can:

  • take place at different scales,
  • be used to grow a variety of crops,
  • rely on various technologies and governance arrangements.